Green Cheek Conure
Age or Hatch Date: About 20 years old
Gender: Female
Best qualities: Playful
Favorite food: Sunflower seeds as treats
Favorite toys: Bells
Challenges/Quirks: Shy at first.
Gets along with other birds: Yes
Gets along with dogs: Yes
Gets along with cats: Yes
Gets along with kids: Yes
Dowel or Step Up trained: Yes
Vocabulary: Pocky and Want Peanut!
Known health issues: None
Other comments: Pocky is a sweet, quiet conure. She likes to play on the table with whatever the humans are doing. She also likes to be gently scritched if it is on her terms.
Last updated: 1/26/2020
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Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
Adopt a
Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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About Exotic
Bird Rescue
Our mission is to find a safe loving home for every bird, and to provide education and support to our community.
Nine Lovebirds
Age or Hatch Date: Unknown
Gender: Various
Best qualities: Unknown
Favorite food: Unknown
Favorite toys: Swing
Challenges/Quirks: Not hand tame.
Gets along with other birds: Unknown
Gets along with dogs: Unknown
Gets along with cats: Unknown
Gets along with kids: Unknown
Dowel or Step Up trained: No
Vocabulary: None
Known health issues: Unknown.
Other comments: These lovebirds can be adopted as a group, or divided as long as they stay with who they are bonded to.
Last updated: 4/9/2019

Wait List
*** This bird is currently on our Waitlist and is with their current owner. It may be possible to visit and adopt this bird prior to it being moved to a foster home. Please keep in mind that birds on the Waitlist may not have had a veterinary visit. Their owners may or may not be caring for the bird at EBR minimum standards of care.***
Ossey is a Solomon Island Eclectus
Owner Said: He requires a lot of help getting around at first because of his handicap, but once he has confidence he will run around on the floor. He does get over-confident with heights and/or sometimes his balance will give out on him and because of his underdeveloped wing he cannot slow his descent and will hit the ground hard. It is for this reason we have switched over to cages that are wider instead of taller. He has a mild allergy to kiwi and will toe tap if he eats any, so please try to avoid them. He is quite the chatterbox when he warms up to you. He has quite a wide range of phrases, but three of his greatest hits are: "Come here!", "Good Boy!", and "Whatcha doin'?" He likes beak scritches and will happily step up for nearly anyone. He has difficulty with toys and puzzles, but he's very good at hanging out with people one on one. He really likes music and will sing to himself when he thinks no one is listening. Ozzy is a bird who really enjoys a warm shower, and once he gets used to the bottom of the tub he will stretch and flap his wings and hop around in the water. He likes to sit on shoulders and go for walkabouts, but I would advise wearing a shirt or sweater made from a material he can easily hang onto because he is also prone to sliding off.
2 missing toes and half a missing wing
Age or hatch date:
11 Years
Best qualities:
Very vocal and friendly
Favorite food:
Favorite toys:
Dowel or step-up trained:
Yes, to hand or arm
Difficulty with mobility and cognition. Is scared of the broom.
HI, Whatcha doin?, ok, Hey!,
Health issues:
2 missing toes and half a missing wing
Gets along with birds:
Gets along with dogs:
Unknown, or has not been around
Gets along with cats:
Unknown, or has not been around
Gets along with kids:
Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:
1/10/25, 12:46 AM